Harnessing the Power of New Technology

American manufacturing industry continues to see an incredible comeback. Unfortunately, there continues to be a skilled labor shortage.

Back in 2013, it was reported that up to 600,000 manufacturing jobs were unfilled, and according to Forbes Business, “the skills gap is likely to become more acute.” These predictions proved correct.

Of course one way to combat this is through encouraging STEM education and careers, and promoting manufacturing as a career path for young Americans.

Another way of addressing the issue is by investing in better technology and innovation—processes and tools that move from manpower to machine power, meeting capacity and output demands through better equipment.

At BLM, we have certainly noticed that it’s been increasingly difficult to find qualified people to hire. As a result, we’ve responded accordingly and have invested in two new CNC machines. These state-of-the-art machines by DMC America feature the latest technology and work with the most advanced software to achieve more capacity and accuracy in a shorter period.

These new CNC machines can allow us to meet all of our clients’ needs while putting our manpower in other areas. Our employees can better focus on their individual tasks while our CNC machines can quickly and efficiently get quality work done. In this way, everyone benefits.

At BLM Automatic Clutch, we are committed to providing our customers with the very best quality clutches in the fastest, most economical way possible. By investing in new technology, we are continuing this commitment and ensuring our reputation for success is never compromised.

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