Going for Gold!
As Labor Day approaches, it signals the unofficial end of summer. And what a summer it was! The Summer Olympics wrapped up with a record number of medals won by U.S. athletes, the most golds out of any country and the most medals won by U.S. women in any Olympic games.
The gold medal is the ultimate prize for an Olympic athlete. Why gold? When the Olympic Games were revived in 1896, gold was chosen as the top prize because it was scarce, luminous in color, and represented the Golden Age of Greek mythology.
We aren’t Olympic worthy athletes but we do compete for gold every day. Our competition is in the form of running a successful company. And, our gold comes from the people who work with us. The BLM team is tested every day to meet the challenges of the industries we serve. Without our exceptional employees, we wouldn’t be a successful as we are. Their dedication, hard work, and loyalty are what keep us on top of the podium.
Both the U.S. and Canada celebrate Labor Day on the first Monday in September to honor worker’s contributions to the prosperity of the country. Encouraging employees to reach their potential is part of the competitive spirit in our company. We saw all those Olympic athletes encouraged to reach their potential throughout the games. The gold is within reach and this labor day we celebrate all the achievements of our highly valued golden team of employees. Our success is built on you and we win the race to the top because of you. Thank you!
On this Labor Day, we wish all of you a happy and safe holiday!