Category Archive: Gold

Going for Gold!

As Labor Day approaches, it signals the unofficial end of summer. And what a summer it was! The Summer Olympics wrapped up with a record number of medals won by U.S. athletes, the most golds out of any country and the most medals won by U.S. women in any Olympic games.

The gold medal is the ultimate prize for an Olympic athlete. Why gold? When the Olympic Games were revived in 1896, gold was chosen as the top prize because it was scarce, luminous in color, and represented the Golden Age of Greek mythology.

We aren’t Olympic worthy athletes but we do compete for gold every day. Our competition is in the form of running a successful company. And, our gold comes from the people who work with us. The BLM team is tested every day to meet the challenges of the industries we serve. Without our exceptional employees, we wouldn’t be a successful as we are. Their dedication, hard work, and loyalty are what keep us on top of the podium.

Both the U.S. and Canada celebrate Labor Day on the first Monday in September to honor worker’s contributions to the prosperity of the country. Encouraging employees to reach their potential is part of the competitive spirit in our company. We saw all those Olympic athletes encouraged to reach their potential throughout the games. The gold is within reach and this labor day we celebrate all the achievements of our highly valued golden team of employees. Our success is built on you and we win the race to the top because of you. Thank you!

On this Labor Day, we wish all of you a happy and safe holiday!

BLM Automatic Will Continue to Help Miners in the New Golden Era for the Gold Mining Industry

Recent news and financial reports are predicting brighter days, increasing business opportunities and some good times ahead for the gold mining industry. Last week a report said, “Gold mining may have advanced a huge 64.5% and is currently just 8.55% away from a new 52-week high. After a brutal bear market that began back in August 2011, it looks like the precious metal miners have turned the corner and may be entering a multi-year bull market.”

Another recent report says, “Gold prices have soared nearly 20% so far this year… while silver and palladium rallied 12% and 10%, respectively. These precious metals have outperformed nearly every other commodity.” Just like we’ve been doing for many decades, BLM Automatic will continue to help miners in the days ahead – in what’s anticipated to be the new golden era for the gold mining industry. The anticipation of a bullish gold market and a new golden era for gold and precious metals is great news for the gold mining industry. It means there will be more demand for gold, and more extraction, separation and refining going on.

BLM Automatic centrifugal clutches keep gold mining operations running smoothly, and it’s something we’ve been doing for many years. As the gold market gets more bullish and continues to charge ahead to a new golden era, BLM Automatic will continue to be ready to help gold miners through every phase of the mining process: from the initial extraction, to the crushing by ball crushers and pulverizing mills, through all the handling of the gold to the refinement phases, and to the packaging and distribution at the end of it all.

Not just for gold mining, BLM Automatic clutches are used in every processing phase of the mining industries. They’re also used in any industry where raw materials are conveyed, and where material handling is involved.  For many years, many different types of industries, including precious metal mining industries, have relied on BLM Automatic to provide the highest quality centrifugal clutches. We design and manufacture many types of centrifugal clutches for a wide variety of applications, from the “big stuff” like military and defense applications, to smaller applications like clutches used in mixers in chemical labs — and a lot of medium-sized applications in between! BLM automatic clutches are used in the agriculture, construction, and packaging industries, and the list of industries goes on and on… While we don’t like to brag, we must point out that our clutches are considered the “gold standard” in all industries – not just mining!

BLM Automatic clutches are energy efficient, can be customized for specific industrial applications, and they are easy to maintain. Our centrifugal clutches also make it easy for our clients in the mining industries to take advantage of the golden opportunities anticipated for the days ahead… At BLM Automatic, we are ready to continue to meet the demands – and to continue to exceed our clients’ expectations – in a new golden era in the gold mining industry! To learn more about BLM Automatic, visit our website, or call us at 800-268-4295.

As Everyone Is Going for Gold Again, Conveyors (and Clutches) Keep Things Moving

Demand for gold is on the rise again around the world, and this demand is driving an increase in gold mining activities. Everyone seems to be going for gold! Recent news reports talk about the global gold mining push and growing demand:

  • “Gold fever” is striking Asia again: The countries of India, China and Thailand are the world’s three largest consumers of gold, together representing more than 60% of the global gold market.
  • The Dominican Republic’s gross domestic product expanded 2.8 percent in the second quarter of this year, and this growth was attributed to the opening of the country’s biggest gold mine.
  • In the U.S., gold prices bounced back after the government shutdown earlier this month, as new investors see lots of opportunity in gold.

All mining operations, including gold mining, rely on heavy machinery and equipment to explore, extract, break and move minerals through various processing phases. In gold mining, basically, there are three phases: extraction, separation and refining. After extraction of the ore, ball crushers and mills pulverize and separate gold and sulfides. Beyond the ball crushers and mills, the gold goes through several processing phases to eventual refinement. Just about every step in the gold mining process relies on conveyors to move the raw materials, and clutches are needed to keep conveyors – and gold mining operations, in general – running smoothly, from extraction, to distribution and packaging.

BLM Automatic clutches keep conveyors moving in any industry where material handling is involved, including the mining industries. We design and manufacture many types of centrifugal clutches for both large and small applications. They’re not just for gold mining operations, but BLM Automatic centrifugal clutches are considered the “gold standard” in all industries.